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Cancer on April 26th, 2012
Cancer Treatment In India
Why do patients who need cancer treatment go to the west if they have the means and resources when India has more specialized advanced oncology departments then ever? It is the USA that is regarded as the best treatment point for cancer.
The answer is disappointing and sad- from diagnosis to therapy there is glaring knowledge gap. Some of the reasons are:
There is no compulsory registration of cancer patients and hence no data is available on different patterns of the disease. Since there is no information sharing all crucial decisions are taken by the individual doctor or pathologist. So there are about 28lacs of cancer at any given time in India, there are no official records regarding the number yet.
The system of tumour boards -teams of oncologists, radiologists, and pathologists, is mandatory for all cancer cases in the west, but yet to be found in India.
There are few specialized doctors with organ specific training and oncology centres with organ specific specialization.
Diagnostics [...]
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General Health on April 18th, 2012
The benefits of lenses in comparison to glasses that most people are not aware of
Although glasses do have their benefits, it would appear that the pros far outweigh the cons when it comes to the beauty stakes. True, glasses can be trendy if you find the right pair, but research has shown that people who need help with their sight on a daily basis generally prefer the benefits of contact lenses.
Not only will peripheral vision be improved without the obstruction of frames, exercise is also one of the main benefits reported from contact lens wearers. In addition to these practical benefits, there are beauty benefits.
First and foremost, most people do not like the way they look in glasses. Contact lenses let people see a person’s whole face, the eyes are arguably the most important feature and covering them up can have detrimental results. Eyes should be shown off and celebrated, not hidden away behind glasses.
Without glasses covering the eyes, people want to emphasise their eyes, usually this is done with make-up. Not only is the freedom to experiment with make-up [...]
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Skin on April 12th, 2012
Skin Care and Complexion Maintenance
Skin care is a matter of concern for many people. Often people worry about losing their skin colour and are often paranoid of contacting any skin ailment. But by following some specific guidelines you can ensure that your skin complexion is maintained and continue to have a healthy and glowing skin for a very long time even after the onset of old age.
Here are some simple techniques which will have a positive and rejuvenating effect on the skin:
Regularly clean your face. Don’t have a long gap between cleaning. It is ideally recommended that you clean your face at least thrice a day. Ensure that you use a face wash which is compatible to your skin type.
Never sleep with make up on. It is very vital that you inculcate the habit of sleeping with a face devoid of any make up. This is essential as otherwise your skin pores will get blocked and will not get the required nourishment. Also your skin needs time to rejuvenate. Sleeping with make up on will deprive your skin of this much [...]
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Skin on April 9th, 2012
Blackheads And Beauty Cures
Blackheads are the cause of many sleepless nights for the beauty conscious. The most common place where blackheads form is our nose and forehead. Blackheads can be treated by the following remedies which can be made at home and thus are safe, free of side effects and not very expensive.
Extract the juice of a lemon. Add a spoonful of groundnut oil to it and apply this on the face.
Take a spoonful of fenugreek leaves (methi) and grind it to form a paste. Apply this paste on the blackhead prone areas. Leave it on for around half an hour and let it dry. Now rinse it off with water.
A paste made out of fresh radish is also helpful to get rid of blackheads.
Green tea contains anti oxidants. If you scrub your face regularly with green tea, not only will the blackheads reduce but your skin will also start to glow.
Soak 4 almonds in water and grind it to form a paste. All rosewater to it and apply. This is also a good medium to cure blackheads.
Make a paste with almond powder and [...]
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General Health on April 2nd, 2012
Benefits of Body Massage
Massages are very relaxing and beneficial. A well administered massage relaxes the body and mind. It reduces the strain and helps the body to repair the stress caused due to the wear and tear of muscles.
Massage also enhances the blood circulation and this purifies the body internally. Joints which bear the brunt of our hectic lifestyle also become more supple and relaxed. Massages often induce sleep and bring the person in a state of relaxation and refreshment. Massages are said to have eased many a pains. A good massage helps to release the knots in the body and relieves backache and neck pain. Head massages help in curing migraines.
Regular massage is considered to help in the burning of calories. Massage is essential in order to regulate, tone and tighten the skin of the body. A massage is indeed a relaxing activity. But the massage must be done by someone who is experienced because there may be a risk of getting injured. The amount of pressure should also not exceed a certain point [...]
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Healthy diet on March 22nd, 2012
Medical benefits of green tea
Research has shown that green tea considerably reduces the risk of esophageal cancer. Green tea also reduces the overall cholesterol levels. It is said to improve the High-density lipoprotein as well as Low-density lipoprotein. Green tea is a rich source of catechin polyphenols, particularly epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG). This acts as a destructor of cancerous cells in the body.
Green tea also detoxifies the body, purifies the blood and reduces signs of aging from the skin.
For people who are trying to reduce their caffeine intake green tea is a healthy solution. Green tea is indeed not completely caffeine free but yet if you compare it with regular tea or coffee it is present in a substantially lesser percentage.
Green tea also regulates the blood sugar levels and therefore it is a good immunizer for diabetic patients.
Green tea is also known to burn excessive body fats and to help the metabolic rate to gain momentum. This expedites weight loss in the body. Thus green tea is an [...]
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Disease & Disorders on March 9th, 2012
Apple is the fruit of life and good health
Apple is the preferred fruit for all health freaks and dieticians. This easy-to-eat fruit is most recommended by doctors and health advisors. With many nutritional benefits apple is an ideal food for you and your family:
Given here are 7 benifits of eating apples:-
Bones: Apple is voted as the best fruit for strengthening and developing bones by most experts. It helps in increasing the the density of the bones. Apple is also helpful for women experiencing back-bone problem at the time menopause.
Asthma: For asthma patients, apple is the best fruit for improving the respiratory system. Women who eat apples at the time of pregnancy lower the rate of asthma in their children. Apple juice is an ideal drink for asthma children
Cholesterol: Apples help in levelling cholesterol in body. It is proven that people who eat apple every day can successfully lower down cholesterol level by 16%
Cancer: People who get jitters as soon as they hear the word cancer can start eating apple [...]
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Disease & Disorders on January 30th, 2012
Beware of Air Pollutants around you..They can cause cancer!
In our fast-moving lives we tend to ignore or avoid our surroundings. We give least importance to our society and ignore our responsibility towards the betterment of our society. Especially in urban areas where life is focused on just developing the city and its infrastructure, the means of manufacturing release many harmful gases, which we breathe in every day. This may not be news for all of us, as we all are aware of the pollution in today’s time. But what may shock you is that, these harmful gases can lead to dangerous disease like cancer. These pollutants are broadly classified in the form of following:
Air: Harmful pollutant known as photochemical smog is majorly responsible for causing cancer. Photochemical smog is a combination of nitrogen, sunlight and VOCs. This city pollutant has resulted in severe health problems for the human beings. The rate of cancer patients in cities is increasing day by day because of the gases released from the nearby factories and manufacturing industries.
As [...]
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Healthy Living on January 27th, 2012
Switch to Herbal Products for Better Health!
Herbal industry has picked up worldwide due to numerous advantages. They have been used since ancient times as remedies for medicinal purposes. Compared to modern medicines, herbal medicines yet are more effective without any side effects. Many chronic diseases are cured with herbal remedies because of their distinctive features, which are still to be fully explored by the modern world.
Herbal remedies have been successful in curing common disease around the world like Asthma. Asthma is caused due to swelling and narrowing of lungs which leads to breathlessness, coughing and suffocation. Severe asthma attacks can cause death too. Therefore, it cannot be avoided or ignored.
Herbal tea for controlling Asthma: Herbal teas are considered the most effective and easiest decongestants; which means they are helpful in relieving mucus blocking of the upper respiratory system. Herbal tea helps in relaxing the respiratory system along with the body muscles. As a result, there are fewer chances [...]
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Healthy diet on December 23rd, 2011
Foods to Be Avoided by Goiter Patients
A person develops goiter when his or her thyroid gland is enlarged. Enlargement of the thyroid gland occurs when it fails to secrete enough hormone required by our body. If you have goiter, you should avoid consuming certain foods. This article will inform you about the foods to be avoided by patients with goiter.
Cruciferous vegetables are rich in sulfur compounds known as glucosinolates. Breaking of the glucosinolates results in production of byproducts known as isothiocyanates. In a medical study conducted in the year 1995 it was found that isothiocyanates blocks iodine absorption and uptake by thyroid gland, which results in formation of goiter. According to majority of the medical experts, the leading cause of goiter is iodine deficiency. When you consume cruciferous vegetables, you are indirectly stopping iodine from affecting the thyroid gland positively. Some examples of cruciferous vegetables are: kale, Brussels sprout, broccoli, turnips, cauliflower, cabbage, mustard, kohlrabi [...]
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Asthma & respiratory on December 16th, 2011
Effective Herbal Cures for Asthma
Asthma is defined as a pulmonary disease taking place due to inflammation of bronchial tubes or the air passages. Inflammation in the air passages makes the asthmatic feel tightness in his chest accompanied by other signs like wheezing, breathing difficulties and coughing. There’s no cure for asthma; the asthma symptoms are however, controlled with a combination of lifestyle changes and dosages of conventional medications. There are also some effective herbal remedies for asthma; below, we have discussed some of them.
1. Both honey and tea are known to be excellent bronchodilators and decongestants. According to herbalists, chamomile tea is particularly beneficial experiencing asthma symptoms. This tea works by soothing and relaxing the muscles of our body including the muscles of our respiratory system. This relieves us from the asthma symptoms like chest tightness and breathing difficulties. Adding 1 tablespoon honey to this tea before drinking it will make breathing easier for the [...]