Posted in News No discussion yet on March 7th, 2013

New Opportunities for 3D Technology in Medicine

Physicians have till date been in two minds about the benefits of 3D technology. However, as their advantages came to the forefront even expert surgeons vouched for 3D technology. This change in perception is largely due to enhanced 3D glasses and screens. Practical implementation of these has proved the workability of this concept which until now was considered to be a theoretical concept which was highly impractical in real life. In the beta tests where expert surgeons too participated actively it is revealed that more than 50 surgeons were impressed with the 3D systems. Dr. Ulrich Leiner who is the head of the Interactive media – Human Factors Department at HHI stated, “While the technology still requires some fine-tuning, technology that does without the need to wear special glasses will increase the popularity of 3D systems in operating rooms. In the past, surgeons were hesitant to use the technology precisely because of the glasses.” As the research gets more and more deeper  [...]

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