Novel Nanoburrs and Melody Transcatheter Pulmonary Valve – Mighty Combaters of Heart Ailments

Scientists from MIT and Harvard have designed novel nanoburr particles having small protein pieces that could adhere to damage-ridden arterial walls, eventually releasing the medicine like paclitaxel that stalls cell division and assists in preventing scar tissue development which could lead to clogging up of arteries.

nanoburrsNanoburrs are fascinating exemplars of nanotechnology wherein nanoparticles could have targeted action on injured vascular tissues. Presently, one of the benchmark means of treating arteries having clogging and damage is vascular stent implantation that keeps the artery open and gradually releases medicines like paclitaxel. The investigators are hopeful that their new-fangled nanoburrs could be employed together with these stents – or instead of them – for treating damage situated in regions unsuited for stents like those close to a junction in the artery.

Interior of the sixty nanometer broadness particles carry the medicine that is bounded to a polymer chain known as PLA. The drug release is possible solely when it disengages from the PLA polymer chain occurring eventually by a reaction known as ester hydrolysis. The lengthier the polymer chain, lengthier the process would take, hence the investigators could have power over the time of the medicine’s release by changing the chain span. Till present, researchers have been able to achieve medicine release of above twelve days time when tested on cultured cells.

Another benefit of the nanoburrs is they could be administered via intravenous injections at the location remotely placed from the injured tissue. Due to sustained release of the drugs over lengthier time span and intravenous shots, patients would not need to undergo repetitive and invasive surgical shots direct to the site that needs to be treated.

Minimally Invasive Melody Valve Garners FDA Nod

Federal watchdogs have given their stamp of approval to Medtronic’s least invasive heart valve, the pioneer replacement valve which could be implanted through a catheter instead of open-heart surgical procedure.

Medtronic’s Melody transcatheter pulmonary valve and delivery system received FDA approval for treatment of a condition inflicting nearly four thousand patients in the U.S. annually.

The device is accepted for restricted usage on the assertion that its health advantages overshadow the risk of damage or sickness.

The implantation of the Melody valve is done via catheter (tube) in a vein on the leg and steered to the heart. This technique is designed for treating patients having undergone previous implantation, but having inadequately operating pulmonary valve conduits.

Conduit is a valve whose implantation is done via surgery for treating inborn heart flaws present in the pulmonary valve.

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