Heat Stroke Symptoms and Emergency First Aid Treatments
With the heat wave being sharply felt along the East Coast, many people have skipped their dawn commute and ardent sprinters have demoted to the treadmill – re-pondering over their schedule to lower being exposed to the scorching heat.
Heat Stroke arises due to the body inadequately regulating its own temperature leading to its continual surge, mostly to 105 degree Fahrenheit or more. Signs of swiftly advancing heat stroke comprise of:
- Loss of consciousness for over a couple of seconds.
Seizure attacks or convulsions.
- Indications of medium to acute respiratory distress.
- Temperature of rectal area above 104 degree Fahrenheit after being exposed to searing climatic conditions.
- Feeling confused, acute restiveness or anxiousness.
- Rapid cardiac rate.
- Perspiration which might be profuse or might have halted.
- Skin which might appear reddened, warm and dried, also noted in the underarm region.
- Acute puking and loose bowels.
- Sluggishness.
In case heat stroke symptoms arise, it must be considered as a medical emergency. Despite instantaneous therapy, it could turn out to be life-menacing or lead to grave, long-standing complications. Subsequent to having contacted 911 or medical helpline services, the below mentioned first-aid procedures need to be followed in the interim.
- Moving the individual to a cooler area away from the direct rays of the sun.
- Removing any excess clothes and placing the individual sideways for exposing larger areas of the skin’s area. Elevating the victim’s feet.
- Cooling the body all over by giving a sponge-over or spray cooling rather than using chilled water, fanning the victim for lowering the body temperature. Watching out for indications of swiftly advancing heat stroke.
- Ice pack applications to the regions of the neck, underarms and groin which are the locations of large-sized blood vessels near the skin’s surface. Avoid immersing the individual in icy bath.
- Resting for twenty-four hours and continuing fluid replenishment with a rehydrating drink. Taking rest from any kind of arduous activities for one to three days.
- Checking temperature of the rectum at frequent intervals and attempt lowering it till 102 degree Fahrenheit as early as doable. The lengthier span of time the body remains at elevated temperature, more grave the ailment and greater the likelihood of complications developing. Oral or ear temperatures are not precise in such an emergency scenario.
- In case an infant has ceased respiration then one should instantaneously commence rescue breathing and CPR.
- Acetaminophen or aspirin must not be administered for reducing elevated body temperature which could develop as one of the heat stroke symptoms. Such medications might lead to issues due to the body’s reaction to heat stroke.
- In case the victim is conscious and adequate alertness is there to ingest, then offering the individual fluid intake of around 32-64 fluid ounces in a time period of one to two hours for hydrating the body. Majority of the heat stroke victims develop a modified state of awareness due to which it is not safe to give fluids for drinking. The victim might need assistance in such cases and ensure he/she is propped up erect enough to prevent choking.
- In case the heat stroke victim has fainted (heat syncope), generally the condition would improve no sooner the person is made to lie in supine position or in cooler settings.
- In case of swelling (heat edema), treatment involves resting, leg elevation, flexing leg muscles frequently to prevent blood pooling in the lower portion of legs that might cause the condition.
- Prickly heat (heat rashes) generally improves and abates without therapy. In case of itchiness, antihistamines might be helpful. Keeping skin regions sanitized and dry could aid in preventing infection. Avoid using baby powder on rashes since it could accrue in skin folds, holding moisture and promote bacterial development which might lead to infection.
I travel frequently and am prone to heat strokes..Your article will be a very helpful guide for my travels..Thank you..!