Posted in Fitness & Exercise No discussion yet on November 7th, 2013

Fitness in Women after 40

When a woman crosses her forties then her fitness and exercise take a new turn. All the routines followed in exercises become difficult, painful and impossible after a woman turns 40. No matter whatever you could have been whether a mall walker or a kick boxer, catching up on age is a common thing and the woman gradually finds it very difficult to maintain her weight. Women usually lose their sense of balance and find it a tough job to be fit after they turn forty. So fitness in women after 40 is all a question of practice and ease and less about inability to do things. The first effect of the aches and pains usually begin in the joints. The muscles and joints start aching and the tissues start losing their elasticity. The supportive framework of the body is the tendons, muscles, and cartilage. All these start sagging, as you grow old so women above the age of 40 should try to maintain the strength and stamina always. It is a question of changing the routine. If earlier, you used to run  [...]

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