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Latest Health Guides

Posted in Healthy Living on January 18th, 2010

Simple, Economical Amendments to a Green and Healthy Abode
Making one’s dwelling healthy and safe does not essentially have to be costly or overwhelm us or appear a mammoth task as all that is needed is making some basic yet crucial modifications. A number of these are uncomplicated repairs whereas there are others which could need re-examining protracted lifestyle practices. Steering clear or curbing toxin exposure like those of lead, pesticide is vital as researches have revealed that being overexposed to them could harm the brain, CNS (central nervous system), lead to behavioural issues, make one asthmatic and even lead to cancer among the several others detrimental effects. Below explained are ways of cutting down this injurious exposure. Dust-Busting the House Household dust tends to aggravate allergic reactions. One resolution would be frequent vacuuming scrupulously in the nooks, budging gear around to facilitate thorough cleaning. Ensuring that the vacuum cleaner has a powerful suctioning feature and HEPA filters to draw dust  [...]

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