Posted in Asthma & respiratory, Disease & Disorders No discussion yet on August 26th, 2011

Using Lavender Oil for Getting Relief from Asthma

Asthma is categorized as a respiratory disorder occurring when the dilated blood vessels narrow our airways. Recently obtained statistics show that around 20 million residents of USA are suffering from asthma and the more staggering fact is that 9 million among them are children. One can experience asthma symptoms due to factors like an allergic reaction, stress etc. Medically, asthma is treated with steroids, bronchodilators etc. In this article we’ll be discussing ways of using lavender oil for the treatment of asthma. The sedative and anti-inflammatory properties of lavender oil make it an excellent remedy for asthma. Lavender Oil Chest Rub for Asthma Patients Pour ¼ cup olive oil in a bowl and add 8 drops lavender oil to it. If available, you can also add 2 drops chamomile oil to the mixture. Chamomile oil will enhance the anti-allergic effects of this chest rub due to its antihistamine properties. Now, dip your fingers into the mixture for getting the oil required for performing  [...]

Posted in Skin No discussion yet on August 19th, 2011

Natural Remedies for Spider Veins

Below we have presented a few effective natural remedies for varicose veins: Ginkgo biloba: This herb works by strengthening the tissues forming the walls of our veins. Ginkgo biloba also effectively improves the circulation in our tissues and thus enhances the tissue oxygenation. All these features of this herb make it an effective remedy for spider veins. According to herbalists, a patient suffering from this skin disorder must consume 40mg ginkgo biloba extracts thrice every day until this spider veins go away completely. Witch hazel: The extract of this herb is known for its astringent properties. It is widely used as an external remedy of spider veins. If you have developed this skin disorder, soak a clean piece of cloth or cotton ball into extracts of witch hazel and apply the extract directly on the affected regions of your skin. Repeat the procedure 2 to 3 times every day. This should be continued until the spider veins go away. Horse chestnut: This herb helps in strengthening  [...]

Posted in Brain & Nervous System, Disease & Disorders No discussion yet on August 12th, 2011

Treating Memory Loss with Herbal Remedies

The following herbs can help in treating memory loss: Ginkgo biloba: This herb possesses the ability of improving blood circulation and also helps in augmenting oxygen flow towards our brain and other body parts. According to medical experts, ginkgo biloba is extremely beneficial for women experiencing forgetfulness during their perimenopausal or menopausal age. However, one should never consume this herb without consulting a physician; consuming incorrect doses of ginkgo biloba might cause side effects like dizziness, nausea, allergic reactions, headaches and diarrhea. People under the doses of anticoagulants should not consume ginkgo. Ginseng: The herb ginseng is an excellent remedy for memory loss. It is often prescribed to women after they attain menopause. Ginseng not only cures forgetfulness of these women, but also increases their energy levels up to a great extent. According to expert herbalists, ginseng when consumed in combination with ginkgo can treat both short and long-term  [...]

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