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Healthy Living No discussion yet on August 30th, 2010
Although it is widely known that ‘you-are-what-you-eat’ but equally important is what one buys or also how it is cooked. Consuming food in raw form as much as possible is best. However, majority of people are incapable of accomplishing this and end up cooking some extent of foods.
Prudent ‘food preparation’ begins with good-quality foods and the manner in which they are prepared which translates to bidding adieu to your microwave oven. These gadgets that are created for simplifying existences are in fact detrimental to our bodies in more ways than one.
Here are the myriad ways microwaves are hampering our health.
The rapid heating is causal to structural changes in the chemical composition of foods and saps their nutritive worth. Cancer-causative free radicals were observed to form in root veggies and in many cases the plant alkaloids transformed into carcinogenic substances. Milk, meats, grains, frozen fruits when thawed or prepared in microwaves have been found to transform [...]
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Disease & Disorders,
Skin No discussion yet on August 27th, 2010
As the summer is tapering off, many people might have got a resplendent tan or yet working towards one. Hopefully majority of these tans are bottle/canister derived and people have been diligently donning sunscreen.
A startling but true fact is that there are several folks of colour that virtually do not use sunscreens at all like many from the Afro-American and Hispanic populaces. Their thought process is that they do not require using sun shielding creams/lotions – and this erroneous belief has lead to a distressing rise in melanoma-related deaths among them. Though individuals of color have a tendency of developing skin cancer at a comparatively lesser rate as compared to the Caucasian populace, when these people with darker skin tone do develop skin cancer, their fatality rates mostly surpass that of their white-skinned equivalents.
As per information furnished by the American Medical Association, the 5-year survival rate in case of melanoma is merely fifty-eight percent in people [...]
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Disease & Disorders No discussion yet on August 23rd, 2010
Stomach migraine is a condition generally presenting itself during childhood however has been widely identified during adolescence and adulthood.
Generally kids afflicted with this condition are those with a kin history of migraine and prevalent prior to pubescence with girls having a greater likelihood of suffering from it as compared to boys.
Stomach Migraine Causes
Stomach migraine arises due to 2 innately occurring chemical forms in the body namely serotonin and histamine whose changes could trigger migraine headaches and stomach pains. The stomach pains might arise because of some psychologically triggering factor. Food forms like chocolates, foods that have undergone processing that have particular chemical presence and intake of excess air might be causal to stomach migraines.
Stomach Migraine Symptoms
Symptoms of abdominal migraine differ from those experienced in case of the typically occurring migraine which majority of the adult populace ail from. These include:
Pains [...]
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Disease & Disorders,
Musculoskeletal No discussion yet on August 20th, 2010
Merely twelve weeks of doing tai chai – a form of weight bearing, low impact, aerobic yet unwinding exercise that involve gradual, placid movements, deep-breathing and meditation – provided respite to long-standing niggling fibromyalgia symptoms and enhanced quality of existence in a scientific study.
In comparison to patients given wellness edification and stretching exercises, tai chi practitioners noted lessening in severity of fibromyalgia symptoms. Moreover tai chi helped in promoting sound sleep, a sense of betterment, lesser pains, greater energy levels and had improved health physically as well as emotionally, according to research investigator Doctor Chenchen Wang from the Tufts Univ. School of Medicine.
The investigators were thrilled by the promising outcomes they noticed which far surpassed those in clinical studies for treating fibromyalgia with drug therapies. One arthritic study entrant kept exclaiming that he was pain-free as a result of doing tai chi.
However the [...]
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General Health,
Healthy Living No discussion yet on August 16th, 2010
How many of us have pondered why a smiley accompanies a Coke- Since it gives the drinker a high. Here is what actually transcends in your body after chugging down Coke.
In the initial ten minutes
Ten teaspoonfuls sugar of hits the drinker’s body (that comes up to one hundred percent of one’s suggested everyday ingestion). The added phosphoric acid slyly tames the awesome puke-inducing sugariness and helps in keeping the beverage down.
Twenty minutes
The drinker’s blood glucose levels spike leading to an insulin explosion and the liver responding to it by converting any glucose it could acquire into fats. And after ingesting the soft drink there is bound to be plentiful of it.
Forty minutes
Assimilation of caffeine has concluded. The coke drinker’s pupil dilatation starts and a surge in blood pressure levels occur. Responding to this change, the liver starts dumping increasing amount of glucose into the blood. As a result blockage develops in the brain’s adenosine [...]
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Skin No discussion yet on August 13th, 2010
Acne, scientifically known as Acne Vulgaris, is a human skin disease. This disease, generally known as pimples, is most commonly found in the adolescence, the period of puberty, and hence, most people affected by acne are teenagers. Acne occurs when there are elevations formed in the skin, particularly, at areas which are rich in fats (eg: the face). There are depressions formed in the skin, which contain fat hormones from sebaceous glands, and these secretions, in turn, bring out elevated papules in the skin, called acne.
Now, if there is a disease, there must be a way to control it. Dermatologists may charge you a chunk of your earnings for providing you the medicines to fix your acne. But if you are of the kinds who follow the grandma’s aid, here are some home-made remedies to control acne.
Your kitchen is the depot for elements that can be used to control acne, in a natural way. You will need some ingredients of daily use, which are easily available and accessible.
Listed below [...]
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Addiction & Control No discussion yet on August 9th, 2010
Vast numbers of the smoker populace opt for ‘light’, ‘low tar’ or ‘mild’ varieties in cigarettes since they consider light cigarettes might cause lesser harm as compared to ‘full flavour’ or ‘regular’ brands. Though light cigarette smokers have cited its feeling being more smooth and light on their throats and chests, these are not to be mistaken as a more healthful option to regular brands of cigarettes. The reality is that light cigarettes do not lower the health hazards of smoking. Smoke cessation is the sole means of reducing one’s risk as well as that of the people around.
Low Tar, Nicotine figures flashed on Light and Ultra light Cigarette Packets and Advertisements
Such figures are obtained from smoking machines that puff each product of cigarette in precisely the analogous manner.
This information does not truly notify the exact amount of nicotine, tar presence a person smoking might be getting since every person smokes cigarette in a different manner. [...]
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Disease & Disorders No discussion yet on August 6th, 2010
An estimate 24 million individuals are afflicted with autoimmune diseases like RA, thyroid condition, IBD, lupus, MS, celiac disease among many other tough-to-categorize conditions which are basically inflammatory diseases. Doctors mostly address the issue by blocking off inflammation by prescribing Motrin, steroids, Advil and far greater potency immune-suppressant drugs which carry grave side-effects. However, regrettably several doctors are not trained in finding and treating the fundamental reasons of inflammation arising in chronic conditions.
Unknown allergen, infection, environmental toxic substances, an inflammation-eliciting dietetic intake and stress are the true reasons for such inflammatory conditions arising.
In case one intends on cooling down inflammation present in one’s body, the root has to be found. Treating the flames not the fumes is the key to managing autoimmune conditions. Doctors are trained to conduct diagnosis by checking signs and symptoms rather than their [...]
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General Health No discussion yet on August 2nd, 2010
Waking up with severe headaches, feelings of nausea, extreme weakness, dizziness, and dehydration are basically upshots of previous night’s tippling. Usually, you feel like someone is clubbing your head. Binge drinking also upsets your stomach and increases body aches. One may get confused and mortified about being hit with a new disease. Well, it is not any disease, you have got a hangover and regretting later for overdoing alcohol consumption is basically pointless.
Excessive consumption of alcohol essentially ruins the functioning of various organs in your body. It increases the level of dehydration in the body and affects your circulatory system. Thus, it is essential to care for your body once you have boozed. You may even take numerous precautions before boozing, to escape from hangovers. Drink ample amounts of water before going to any booze party, so that you remain hydrated for long hours. Eat some nutritional food and never drink alcohol on an empty stomach as it might cause [...]
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Fitness & Exercise No discussion yet on August 1st, 2010
Get started right away with these result-driven moves and shed ten, fifteen or even twenty pounds in just a month’s time.
Bushed Bug Pose with Stability Ball
This ab-tightening exercise is to be started off by lying with your back bracing the ground, bending knees and feet flattened with stability ball held ahead of the trunk region.
Raising legs, bending knees perpendicularly in a manner that the shinbones are lying parallel to the ground and ball to be suspended by exerting pressure onto it using hand (extending arms) and knees.
Concurrently, lowering left arm directly to the backside of the head and extending right leg forwards so that these duo are hovering a couple of inches away from the ground.
Bringing left arm and right knee for touching stability ball once more.
Doing ten repetitions, switching sides and repeating.
Ball-wall Clutch
Areas of the shoulder, abdominals and upper portion of back are targeted through these moves.
Clutching a stability ball [...]