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Disease & Disorders,
News No discussion yet on April 29th, 2010
Psychedelic drugs inclusive of Ecstasy and LSD are being employed by physicians in tests for treating life-menacing conditions inclusive of post traumatic stress disorder and cancer.
Researchers are yet again endeavoring to provide evidence that hallucinogenic drugs could be of medicinal assistance more than forty years subsequent to authorities having put a stop to their usage both recreationally as well as study wise.
Presently there are several researches that are in progress in different places across United States that are investigating psychedelic drugs such as ecstasy (MDMA), psilocybin and LSD, deemed the key constituent of magic mushrooms.
Even though the study is yet in its first round, early outcomes from New York Univ. research has indicated that entrants were less frightened and had lesser wide-ranging anxiety. These study entrants were additionally seen to possess increasing acceptance of the process of passing away or death with no significant side-effects. The use of [...]
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Disease & Disorders,
Musculoskeletal No discussion yet on April 27th, 2010
Meniscal transplant surgery is an arthroscopic method for replacing damaged meniscus with donor-acquired cartilage that could be conducted on an out or inpatient basis. Irrespective of whether a person would require staying overnight would be based on the individual medical requirements.
Arthroscopic Knee Surgery Procedure
Arthroscopic knee surgery is among the most prevalently conducted operative methods. During this method, a mini camera is introduced via a tiny slit that has been made. This would provide an unobstructed sight of the inner areas of the knee. The orthopaedic surgeon would insert minuscule operative tools via the other tiny slits that have been made during the method.
Classically two to four inches sized slit is done in the knee area along with a couple of other tiny poke punctures. After this, anchoring of the new-fangled meniscal tissue is done into the shin bone for stabilizing the transplant during arthroscopic knee surgery. Placements of additional sutures are [...]
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Disease & Disorders No discussion yet on April 26th, 2010
A Gene test could ascertain which individuals taking cholesterol-reducing statins could garner maximum gain in addition to decreasing their risk of colorectal cancer. This was the study finding which was conducted recently at the Univ. of Michigan Comprehensive Cancer Center.
The investigators had earlier proved that statin drugs – used by twenty-five million individuals globally on a daily basis for reducing their chances of developing heart ailments – could curb their chances of developing colorectal cancer by fifty percent. However, statin drugs do not seem to have analogous functioning for all people in decreasing colorectal cancer or heart ailment risk.
A senior author of the study and director, cancer prevention and control, U-M Comprehensive Cancer Study, Dr. Stephen Gruber stated that their research is a preliminary gait in the direction of modified avoidance. Several individuals have been benefited considerably from statin drugs as compared to others for reducing cholesterol [...]
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Brain & Nervous System,
Disease & Disorders No discussion yet on April 22nd, 2010
Latest study result has shown that aspirin use could now put a halt to the miseries of migraines for scores of sufferers. Researchers have discovered that 3 pills of the pain-allaying medicine could help over half of those ailing from migraines tide through an incapacitating attack.
During an examination of thirteen studies that involved 4,222 entrants, nine hundred to one thousand milligrams of the painkiller medicine assisted in totally curing 1 in 4 migraine sufferers in about 2 hours.
Nearly half of the study entrants experienced their symptoms that ranged in the moderate to acute bracket reduced to mild over an analogous time span thus indicating aspirin to be a potential migraine headache treatment.
Researchers combined aspirin along with packets of anti-emetic medication metoclopramide which was observed to be a superlative means of dealing with nausea and exhibited analogous efficacy as another OTC migraine medication Imigran Recovery also known as sumatriptan.
However, a hundred [...]
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Women's Health No discussion yet on April 21st, 2010
Hysterosalpingogram or HSG is a diagnostic X-ray test done for looking within the uterus, fallopian tubes and the adjoining areas. The test is mostly conducted in women that have had an unsuccessful time trying to conceive and facing likely infertility issues.
When hysterosalpingogram is performed, a contrasting material or dye is administered via a fine tube passing through the vaginal region and into the uterus. The dye would pass into the fallopian tubes due to it being connected to the uterus. Images are captured employing a steady shaft of X-ray or fluoroscopy with the dye passing via the uterus and in the fallopian tubes. The images could reveal issues like any form of injuries or irregular structural appearance of fallopian tubes or uterus, or any type of obstruction that is impeding egg movement via a fallopian tube to the uterus. Blockages or any form of obstruction could thwart sperm movement inside the fallopian tubes and merging with the egg which is critical to fertilization.
A [...]
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Asthma & respiratory,
Disease & Disorders No discussion yet on April 19th, 2010
Are you one of those who frequently sneeze, has teary eyes, scratchy, dribbling nose and feels congested? All the vacuuming along with HEPA filters, staying at home during times of peak pollen counts and taking symptom-allaying medicines as per directions does not seem to be providing much respite from allergy symptoms.
Symptom 1: Allergy salutes
Allergic salutes like the gestures of swiping a scratchy, leaky nasal tip are particularly widespread among kids.
Symptom 2: Raccoon-like Eyes
Under eye dark circles is another one of the niggling allergy symptoms resulting due to scratchy eyes frequently been rubbed, watery or teary eyes, recurrent sneezes and a leaky nose are signs that could be allayed by taking antihistamines. In case one has been taking this form of medicine then one could discuss with a physician about amending dosage schedules.
Symptom 3: Unremitting chest congestion
A person would usually experience stuffy nasal passage generally lasting for seven to fourteen [...]
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Disease & Disorders,
Women's Health No discussion yet on April 15th, 2010
Though exact breast cancer causes continue to be fuzzy, but key risk factors are clear. Yet astonishingly, several females thought to be at high risk of developing breast cancer do not develop the disease whereas several other women that have no identified risk factors get the disease. Amongst the most important risk factors are progressing age and family case history of the disease. Risk would augment to some extent in case of women that had developed a non-malignant lump in their ovaries or breast tissues.
A woman having a direct family history or first degree blood relatives like sibling, offspring or mother that has the disease could raise her chances of developing breast cancer by two to three folds. Investigators have been able to detect duo genes that are accountable for a number of cases of breast cancer running in families – known as the BRCA1 and BRCA2. Nearly 1 female in two hundred is believed to be a carrier of these genes. Women who have the gene are predisposed to developing [...]
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Disease & Disorders,
Women's Health No discussion yet on April 14th, 2010
We are perennially being advised about how the everyday intake of multivitamins could aid in improving general health and wellbeing and could even shield from ailments like cancer. However, a novel study has indicated that this apparently healthful habit might in fact be a breast cancer risk factor.
The study took into account information from 35,000 females from Sweden in the age group 49-83 years old, that did not have cancer at the commencement of a ten year time period. After ten years, the researchers uncovered that older females that were taking multivitamins were nineteen percent more prone to developing breast cancer in comparison to females that did not have multivitamins. This discovery was accurate irrespective of whether the females engaged in smoking, or were taking hormones intended for allaying menopause symptoms over that decade.
Investigators of the latest study helmed by Susanna C.Larsson, PhD, from the Karolinska Inst., Stockholm, Sweden came to a conclusion that the [...]
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Disease & Disorders,
Mental health No discussion yet on April 13th, 2010
Behavior Characteristics of Autism when diagnosed must not necessarily mean ceased love and hopes. However, mass media accounts boom with the most devastating and horrific incidents.
Here are several myths about behavioral characteristics of Autism that are wrongly disseminated by television, films and glossies which need to be debunked.
All Individuals with Autism are similar
A common thought process is that having encountered an autistic individual or having watched films like ‘Rain Man’ or ‘Temple grandin’ is enough to get a generalised view of what autism is and those individuals affected by it are like.
Individuals affected with autism could be vastly dissimilar from each other and each having his/her different behavioral characteristics of autism. The sole aspect which is commonly observed in autism affected people is their atypical difficulties in making social contact/communication.
Individuals with Autism fail to show any emotions/feelings
People [...]
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Disease & Disorders No discussion yet on April 12th, 2010
A recent study conducted by an able teamwork of radiologists and urologists from Mayo Clinic has unravelled a latest treatment on prostate cancer.
David A. Woodrum, intervenient radiologist from Mayo Clinic stated that the safe conclusion of 4 recurrent prostate cancer cases employing (MR) magnetic resonance-guided heat (or laser interstitial thermal therapy) or cryoablation among whom earlier performed radical prostatectomy surgery (operative procedure for complete removal of prostate gland and adjoining constituents) was unsuccessful.
Woodrum further added that MR-guided heat or cold (cryoablation) could bear out to be a promising latest treatment on prostate cancer that has recurred; it moulds therapy imaging and time-period to lesions mass and site thus offering an option to males with lesser invasiveness and trauma. He lay emphasis that use of ablation therapy in prostate cancer treatment is comparatively new-fangled.
Four male patients in the study underwent recoup therapy after [...]