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Disease & Disorders,
Musculoskeletal No discussion yet on April 8th, 2010
Pain management via bioelectric therapy is ideal for treating a number of unremitting and severe pain conditions. Bioelectric therapy is deemed a risk and medication-free therapy alternative for individuals suffering from pains as it blocks pain signals to the brain. Subsequent to injury, pain receptor cells transmit a signal to the CNS (central nervous system – brain and spinal cord). The signal is recorded as pain by particular cells present in the body. Bioelectric therapy employs bioelectric currents for relieving pains by disrupting pain messages prior to them reaching the CNS. Bioelectric therapy additionally stimulates the body in producing endorphins that aid in pain management.
Bioelectric Therapy – Scope of Treatment
Bioelectric therapy could be employed for treating incessant and severe pain conditions inclusive of:
RSD (reflex sympathetic dystrophy) condition.
Back pains.
Muscular pains.
Headache and migraine.
Blood supply disorder affecting the upper [...]
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Addiction & Control,
Disease & Disorders,
Musculoskeletal No discussion yet on April 5th, 2010
Irrespective of age, effects of smoking on a person’s bone health cannot be overlooked.
From infancy till thirty years of age are the most important years when bone mass builds up and develops. Smoking during adolescence would hamper optimal bone mass development leading to a smaller skeletal structure and lesser bone mass in comparison to a non-smoker.
Effects of smoking on bone health continue even in forty and fifty year old people. Females in 40-50 years age group start losing estrogen that is vital for bones and those who indulge in smoking face swifter bone loss with greater associated complications.
Deleterious effects of smoking to Bone Health
Nicotine and toxic constituents present in a cigarette affects bone health in a multitude of ways. Cigarette smoke generate vast quantities of free radicals which are particles assaulting and overwhelming the body’s innate defence system resulting in a string of unfavourable overall damaging reactions inclusive of all cell, organ [...]
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Disease & Disorders,
Musculoskeletal No discussion yet on April 2nd, 2010
Bone density test or bone scans or bone mineral density tests assess bone strength by gauging a tiny portion of a single or a small number of bones. Discerning bone strength could assist a physician in recommending preventative approaches and medicines for osteoporosis, in case necessary, for either slowing or stopping bone loss (decreased bone tissue density or calcification) and fracture.
Candidates for Bone Density Test
In accordance to the parameters set by the National Osteoporosis Foundation, bone density test should be considered by the following set of individuals.
Women in their post-menopause phase and under sixty-five years of age with osteoporosis risk factor.
Women in ages sixty-five years and above.
Women in post-menopause phase having fractures; this is not compulsory since therapy could be commenced irrespective of bone density.
Females having medical sicknesses linked to osteoporosis; such ailments amount to over fifty. A primary care physician could conduct [...]
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Disease & Disorders,
Musculoskeletal No discussion yet on February 24th, 2010
Hip replacement has been among those operations that has earned immense success in the medical field due to minor complications and speedy recuperation rates.
The method that orthopaedic surgeons employ is known as anterior hip replacement, one among numerous less invasive surgical procedures that are linked to briefer hospitalization, smaller-sized slit, lesser muscle injury, less painfulness and bleeding, lesser chances of the hip dislocating post-surgery, swifter recuperation and a faster revert to normal existence.
Patients have cited being capable of walking with no need of walkers or canes and being capable of putting complete weight on their operated side. Within a day’s time post-surgery, patients are discharged from hospital and are able to walk home sans any limping. An exhaustive physical therapy is to be followed by such patients recommended five times per week for a fortnight that they could do in the confines of their home.
A specially designed operating table was developed [...]
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Disease & Disorders,
Musculoskeletal No discussion yet on January 25th, 2010
Spondylothesis is a type of disorder arising due to sliding forward of one vertebral column in relation to the one located beneath it. This condition could be innate or congenitally present or developing during adolescent years or among adults.
The anomalous spinal alignment is evident when observed from lateral viewing on X-rays. This mal-alignment could be due to numerous reasons like some traumatic episode or degeneration. There could be unusual spinal movement related to this condition.
Causes of Spondylothesis:
The condition could be the consequence of physically derived stress exerted on the spine due to physical activity, traumatic episode and wide-ranging physical deterioration.
Signs and Symptoms of Spondylothesis:
There are a number of people having spondylolisthesis and are completely asymptomatic.
Aches and pains in the back and neck could be sensed due to Spondylolisthesis. However extremities could be affected in case there is compression or irritation to the [...]