Spondylothesis is a type of disorder arising due to sliding forward of one vertebral column in relation to the one located beneath it. This condition could be innate or congenitally present or developing during adolescent years or among adults.
The anomalous spinal alignment is evident when observed from lateral viewing on X-rays. This mal-alignment could be due to numerous reasons like some traumatic episode or degeneration. There could be unusual spinal movement related to this condition.
Causes of Spondylothesis:
The condition could be the consequence of physically derived stress exerted on the spine due to physical activity, traumatic episode and wide-ranging physical deterioration.
Signs and Symptoms of Spondylothesis:
There are a number of people having spondylolisthesis and are completely asymptomatic.
Aches and pains in the back and neck could be sensed due to Spondylolisthesis. However extremities could be affected in case there is compression or irritation to the spinal cord (nerve root endings).
- Prevalently, all those affected due to this condition would experience niggling muscular spasms, pains emanating in the thighs and even the buttocks, alongside tightness felt in the hamstrings.
Diagnosis & Screening Tests:
- The ideal foremost diagnostic tests for spondylolisthesis are X-rays captured of the patient in the standing pose.
- For further corroborating the presence of spondylolisthesis Computerised tomography Scans could be medically suggested.
- In case a vertebral slip has been doubted that is leading to increasing pressure on nerves, then the doctor would advise undergoing a myelogram. Myelogram is an older, specialised diagnosis test for examining the spine employing a special dye introduced in the spinal sac for ascertaining the reasons for discomforting sensation, feeling weak or numb in the areas of the back, arm or leg region.
- Alongside imaging studies, the doctor’s visit would entail a range of physical and neurological examinations. During physical examination, the carriage, scope of movement and physical condition, observing any motion that is pain-causing. In the neurological examination, the patient’s reflexes and muscular strength are examined. Prevalently in this condition, the outcomes of the neurological examinations are comparatively normal-ranging.
Treatment of Spondylothesis:
Treatments vary in accordance with how severe the spondylolisthesis is noted.
- Majority of the cases, patients need solely physiotherapy sessions coalesced with amendment of activity.
- In case pain is observed to arise due to nerve core irritation, then epidural steroid shots could be given.
- In situations where acute pain fails to respond to treatment, in case the slip is acute or certain neurological variations have been observed then the surgical fusion of the slipping vertebra could be performed to the vertebra located beneath it.