Air Abrasion – The Drill-free Way to Dazzling Whites

Filed under : General Health

Air abrasion is a drill-free method employed by dental experts for removal of decay in tooth and for several other purposes.

Air Abrasion Functioning
air abrasion system

Air abrasion is performed by an appliance that functions as a minute sandblasting mechanism for spraying away stubborn decay. During the procedure, a delicate flow of decay-busting particles are aimed at the decay-ridden tooth. The particles comprising of silica, aluminium oxide and at times even baking soda mix are directed to the tooth using compressed air or gas that passes via the manually held piece. No sooner do these miniscule particles hit the decay surface they are dislodged and via suction force are removed.

Safety Quotient

Air abrasion is deemed safe and the sole precautionary steps to be taken are to don shielding eye gear for averting the eyes from getting irritated and rubber dams – latex sheets fitting around the teeth area or application of safeguarding resin to adjoining teeth and gums for protecting bordering non-treated regions. The suction force used to draw out the decay particles additionally averts them from being inhaled inside the lungs.


In comparison to the conventional drill technique, the benefits of air abrasion are manifold and comprise of:

  • No generation of heat, sounds, juddering and pressure.
  • This procedure lessens the requirement for anaesthesia, especially in case the cavity is superficially placed.
  • More sparing of normal teeth tissue.
  • The work area is left reasonably dry following the procedure that is beneficial when composite fillings have to be placed.
  • The chances of microfractures and tooth chipping out are reduced which several specialists consider could prematurely cause recuperative failures.
  • In just one dentist session, several spots in the mouth could be treated during the same time.
  • This method is uncomplicated and swift.
  • This procedure is not essentially completely devoid of pain as the air jets and the abrasive substances could lead to sensitivity.
  • All deeply set cavities that are located in close proximity to the tooth’s pulp are generally not treated with air abrasion. Small-sized cavities that have formed early on the teeth’s surface are best removed with air abrasion.
  • Solely composite filling material could be employed after air abrasion as it properly holds on to the smooth-textured surfaces made by air abrasion. Cuts created by drilling are required in case of amalgam or silver fillings to avoid spillage of the filling.
Entrants Best Suited for Air Abrasion

Air abrasion is ideally suited for kids and those there are apprehensive and with small amount of decay.

Other methods conducted with Air Abrasion

Air abrasion is also used in removal of surface stains and any form of discolouring on the tooth. Air Abrasion is used for purposes of bonding for preparing the tooth surface.

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