Pelvic inflammatory disease or PID generally initiates as a bacterial infection and cervical inflammation (cervicitis) that is commonly due to presence of sexually transmitted diseases like gonorrhea or Chlamydia. PID has additionally been associated to imbalanced level of organisms usually present in the vagina which then spreads to other organs in the female reproductive system.
In case not treated, PID could lead to scar tissue or adhesion formation which could be causal in incessant pelvic pain, sterility and ectopic pregnancy. Hence prompt treatment is crucial in case one is experiencing 1 or 2 PID symptoms.
Several health care experts are of the viewpoint that in case a female is having no pelvic signs, she must undergo PID treatment in case she senses painful sensation or soreness when cervix is palpated during the examination and is showing signs of cervical inflammation or cervicitis.
PID treatment is lengthy and could involve the usage of varied medicines as compared to the treatment used for targeting infection to the vagina or cervix.
In case PID signs are relapsing following treatment, other likely reasons for the signs are taken into consideration on every occasion. At times, more than a single course of medicine treatment is needed for curing PID. It is additionally likely that a recurrence of the infection happened or that the initial diagnosis could have been incorrect. One sex mate or mates would also need to undergo the similar treatment for preventing any form of cross-infection occurring.