Posted in Skin 2 Comments on June 30th, 2010

Top 10 Triggering Factors of Psoriasis Symptoms

Studies have indicated that being stressed could aggravate psoriasis symptoms since stress makes the body react. Being Stressed Doing deep breathing and counting till ten. Taking an unwinding soak. Calling a buddy for venting off some pent up stress. Meditation. Focussing on the optimistic, favourable aspects and incorporating relaxation methods into everyday routine. All these methods are great stress-busters and possibly aid in keeping psoriasis symptoms flare-ups at bay. Allergies Since immune system dons a vital part in allergy reactions as well as psoriasis hence there could be a plausible link between the duos. Study investigators have observed that there are increasing numbers of inflammatory mast cells (the type triggering allergy reactions) among individuals having psoriasis as compared to those not having the condition. In case a person does have some form of allergy then it advisable to steer clear from any individual triggering factors like woollen,  [...]

Posted in Cardiovascular, Disease & Disorders 1 Comment on June 28th, 2010

High Cholesterol Risks: 2 Grave Health Perils

High cholesterol risks are often taken lightly by several individuals despite 1 in 5 having this condition and above fifty percent people from the U.S. having higher than the acceptable normal limit. Regrettably, being so prevalent, high cholesterol poses grave health risk and directly contributes to heart disease which may cause heart attack and stroke. Heart disease continues to hold topmost position as the reason for fatality and ailment across the globe. According to the WHO, nearly twenty percent of all stroke cases and nearly fifty percent of all heart attack cases could be associated with high cholesterol. However, despite being detected with elevated cholesterol there are several measures that could be taken to prevent it from leading to more grave conditions. Making Sense of High Risk Cholesterol Figures Cholesterol is the fatty matter which circulates in the bloodstream. A part of the cholesterol would come from the food types one consumes and a massive portion of it is,  [...]

Posted in Sexual Health No discussion yet on June 25th, 2010

HIV Testing – Exploring Viable Choices

In case the need to undergo human immunodeficiency virus or HIV testing arises, one could presently select from numerous alternatives. The type of test one selects is based on specific personal requirements and conditions. HIV testing could be carried out with total anonymity or confidentiality. In case a test is conducted incognito, the individual undergoing the test is not recognized by his/her name, however by using a distinctive identifier which could not be backtracked to that individual. Outcomes of these anonymously conducted tests and the reality that they were ever performed are not part of the person’s medical records. On the contrary, treatment of a test conducted confidentially is analogous to any other medical tests or procedures – The outcomes being part of that person’s medical records; however privacy decrees would mean the outcomes being withheld from others. An individual intent on undergoing HIV testing would possibly be persuaded to undergo a test confidentially  [...]

Posted in Asthma & respiratory, Disease & Disorders No discussion yet on June 23rd, 2010

Cough-Variant Asthma – What You Need to Know

Cough-variant asthma (CVA) is a kind of asthma wherein the key sign is non-mucus secreting, dry cough also known as non-productive cough. Individuals having cough-variant asthma mostly do not experience any other typical asthma symptoms like succinctness or difficulty while breathing. CVA is also dubbed as chronic cough to explicate a cough which has endured for over 6-8 weeks time. Asthma-related coughing could develop at any time. Night time asthma could vastly interfere with sound slumber. Individuals having cough-variant asthma mostly observe that they would cough more frequently while exercising, known as exercise-induced asthma. Coughing could intensify following exposure to asthma triggering factors or allergy-eliciting substance types like dust or pungent smells or in the presence of chilly climatic conditions. Cough-Variant Asthma – Who is at risk? Any person could develop CVA at any instant; however it prevalently affects young children having childhood asthma. Cough-variant  [...]

Posted in Healthy diet, Healthy Living No discussion yet on June 17th, 2010

The Feingold Program ADHD Diet

Feingold program ADHD diet is vastly opted by families that have a kin member identified with the condition. Scientists have observed that ADHD is a grouping of symptoms whose onset is noted during infancy and affects an individual’s performance at school or home. The brainchild behind this immensely effective diet was Dr. Feingold who started using the diet for treating ADHD affected kids and found that thirty to fifty percent of them showed improvement. The diet was initially known as K-P diet and following elimination of BHT, BHA petrochemical preservative types, Dr. Feingold noted that seventy percent of the kids showed improvement. Nearly fifty percent of the kids or adults do not require any other kind of intercession. How the Simple Feingold Program ADHD Diet Works? The Feingold Program ADHD Diet involves eradicating some detrimental food dye forms; however it could have drastic and different outcomes. The prevalently employed dye, tartrazine (FD&C Yellow#5) is an ideal  [...]

Posted in General Health No discussion yet on June 15th, 2010

Essential Oils – The Potent Germ Thwarters

Essential oils, especially the ones that are cinnamon and thyme derived could assist in thwarting bacterial forms, inclusive of the super bug MRSA (methicillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus), the infamous bug capable of resisting therapy with several commonly used antibiotic forms and is accountable of scores of fatalities in hospital and clinics annually. The recent MRSA-combating approach has come from investigators in Greece who analysed the anti-microbial actions of 8 plant essential oils and observed that thyme appeared to have the finest efficacy. Thyme essential oil was found to nearly eradicate the bacterial form it was confronted with, in merely an hour’s time. Study researchers at the Technical Educational Inst. Of Ionian Islands came to a conclusion that essential oils are an economical and effectual therapy choice for arising bacterial strains which have developed resistance to antibiotics. The study researchers pointed out that when antibiotics are substituted for essential  [...]

Posted in Cardiovascular, Disease & Disorders No discussion yet on June 14th, 2010

New Vaccine Pegged as Salvager from Heart Disease

A jab which could halt cholesterol from damaging the arteries might reduce heart disease by 2/3rds. The trial vaccine is being initiated by researchers from the Karolinska Inst., Sweden which functions by halting the shielding system of the body from overly reacting to excessive blood cholesterol levels. This form of overreaction could lead to inflammation in the blood vessel lining to the extent that clot formation could occur which triggers a heart attack. The new-fangled shot functions as a blockage to T cells which are produced by the body’s immune system when a red alert about an assault is sounded. This is an innate protection mechanism intended to shield the body from developing bacterial and viral infections. T cells are additionally sent out in response to LDL or bad cholesterol being detected by the immune system which has begun sticking to the walls of blood vessel. However, on arrival at the site, T cells would cause swelling in the arterial lining in an endeavour to drive  [...]

Posted in Addiction & Control No discussion yet on June 10th, 2010

Reasons to Quit Smoking – Part II

The body of a smoker has a tendency of clearing out caffeine fifty-six percent more swiftly as compared to those who do not smoke. Due to this one must reduce caffeine consumption to half when one is quitting or be risking some grave irate behaviour and sleeplessness. In case a woman smoker is using the pill then she should ideally stop either of the two since oral birth control pill intake has been linked to chances of developing clot, cardiac attacks, stroke; such risks are augmented in case one smokes. Since smoking has been found to affect liver enzymes which carry out processing of some medications hence those who smoke would at times require taking elevated dosages for getting the analogous outcome. Hence, one of the favourable reasons to quit smoking is being able to curb one’s dose of particular medicines. Smoke cessation means lesser likelihood of burning the home down. A research finding suggested that individuals residing in smoke-filled houses were nearly six times  [...]

Posted in Disease & Disorders No discussion yet on June 8th, 2010

Herpes Gladiatorum – Wrestling Your Chances of Contracting the Pesky Virus

Herpes Gladiatorum or HG is a viral, highly communicable skin infection which is comparatively prevalent amongst those from the wrestling fraternity and candidates from other grapple-form of contact-sports. Herpes Simplex I virus or HSV-1 is the chief offender in HG infection and is the analogous virus causing cold sores in the lip area. Herpes Gladiatorum is also referred to as mat pox, scrumpox, herpes rugbiorum, or wrestler’s herpes and is contracted via skin to skin contact and infecting cell presence in the ectodermal skin layer. Symptoms The most apparent symptom is a bunch of fluid-inundated bump formations on the body parts facing exposure like head, trunk, shoulder, leg, abdomen, facial area and neck areas. Accompanying symptoms like soreness in throat, fever, lymph node swelling (lymphadenopathy – lymph node disease), headaches or prickling/burning sensations in the skin might be experienced in twenty-four hours prior to the blister formations surfacing. Scabbing  [...]

Posted in Addiction & Control No discussion yet on June 7th, 2010

Gut-Wrenching Reasons to Quit Smoking – Part I

Smoke cessation could be a tough challenge and the best things one could do for one’s health. Here are to top pressing reasons to quit smoking. Less money to be shelled out annually as several countries (tobacco-cultivating countries included) are putting forth a tougher stance on smokers for revenues. There has been rising proof of price hikes translating to lesser smoking plus mounting medical expenses incurred due to smoking are phenomenal – a massive encumber to countries. Lesser germ inhalation due to smoke cessation. Novel studies have indicated that a cigarette crawls with microbes that make an entry inside the body alongside cigarette smoke. Though it is unclear whether the germ forms could make one ill, however the loathe quotient is irrefutable. Smoking could hamper one’s style in the bed room since it affects blood supply and thus lesser blood be supplied to the genital area and greater arousal problems in males as well as females. Better sleep is another one  [...]

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