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Disease & Disorders,
Musculoskeletal No discussion yet on February 24th, 2010
Hip replacement has been among those operations that has earned immense success in the medical field due to minor complications and speedy recuperation rates.
The method that orthopaedic surgeons employ is known as anterior hip replacement, one among numerous less invasive surgical procedures that are linked to briefer hospitalization, smaller-sized slit, lesser muscle injury, less painfulness and bleeding, lesser chances of the hip dislocating post-surgery, swifter recuperation and a faster revert to normal existence.
Patients have cited being capable of walking with no need of walkers or canes and being capable of putting complete weight on their operated side. Within a day’s time post-surgery, patients are discharged from hospital and are able to walk home sans any limping. An exhaustive physical therapy is to be followed by such patients recommended five times per week for a fortnight that they could do in the confines of their home.
A specially designed operating table was developed [...]
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Brain & Nervous System,
Disease & Disorders,
Mental health No discussion yet on February 24th, 2010
Tourette’s syndrome is a perplexing disorder causing peculiar tics, abrupt jerkiness and bizarre vocalizations.
Frequently, tics ailments and tic-associated obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD) happen collectively and mostly assuage or even subside in early adulthood. However, lamentably at times elevated dosages of SSRI antidepressants (for instance, Prozac) would be needed for deriving a favourable response. Furthermore, sometimes augmenting the SSRI with another medicine is required. The outcomes of a latest study showed that several of the obsessive compulsive disorder cases in remission continued their intake of an SSRI antidepressant medicine.
The ideal treatment in case of early inset, tic-associated O.C.D is generally a merger of medicines and cognitive-behavioural therapy (CBT), mostly a definite method known as exposure and response deterrence.
During a remedial session of exposure and response deterrence, the patient and the analyst start off with a reciprocally decided upon [...]
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Addiction & Control,
News No discussion yet on February 23rd, 2010
Investigators from California that offered an update of their research outcomes believe that marijuana shows potential for treating a number of precise, pain-associated medical disorders with mounting substantiation backing marijuana or the components of cannabis being beneficial as an adjuvant therapy of neuropathy. Though whether it could be employed as a vanguard treatment is still unknown, but researchers are hopeful that the outcomes of their studies would elicit bigger-scaled ones involving a wide-ranging populace. Findings of these studies that were put forth to the California Legislature during last week had its share of critics who found the studies erroneous and were apprehensive regarding the long-standing health outcomes of marijuana smoke.
Outlook – Medical Marijuana Study
Several onlookers contemplated that the investigators put forth their details to the California legislature for calling awareness to marijuana studies as a proposal to sanction marijuana for broad usage [...]
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Mens Health,
Sexual Health No discussion yet on February 22nd, 2010
Pelvic inflammatory disease or PID generally initiates as a bacterial infection and cervical inflammation (cervicitis) that is commonly due to presence of sexually transmitted diseases like gonorrhea or Chlamydia. PID has additionally been associated to imbalanced level of organisms usually present in the vagina which then spreads to other organs in the female reproductive system.
In case not treated, PID could lead to scar tissue or adhesion formation which could be causal in incessant pelvic pain, sterility and ectopic pregnancy. Hence prompt treatment is crucial in case one is experiencing 1 or 2 PID symptoms.
Soreness or pain felt in the lower abdomen.
Painful sensation or soreness sensed on touching or palpating ovaries or fallopian tubes during exam.
Cervical pain or soreness on palpitation.
Symptoms that raise chances of developing Pelvic Inflammatory Disease
Greenish or yellowish coloured discharge from the vagina.
A lab test outcome that corroborates presence [...]
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Mens Health,
Sexual Health No discussion yet on February 19th, 2010
Varicocele is an unusual swelling or enlargement in the varicose veins present in the scrotum. These are commonly noted to affect fifteen percent of men on the whole, and forty percent of men with identified infertility. Varicoceles are usually noted to develop in the left testicle.
The varicocele repair surgery for improving male fertility is generally performed on an outpatient basis under the influence of local or general anaesthesia. A tiny slit is done on the abdominal area just near the site where originally testicles descended via the abdominal wall. The veins producing the varicocele are detected and incised for eliminating blood supply to the varicocele.
Optionally, a non-operative method known as percutaneous embolization could be performed for treating varicocele infertility. A tiny catheter is introduced via a big vein in the neck/groin, slowly advancing it to the varicocele, which is blocked-up using a balloon, loop or medicines.
Post Surgery – What to expect?
Varicocele [...]
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Addiction & Control No discussion yet on February 18th, 2010
College-going crowds who indulge in drinking and habituated to swilling alcoholic and energy drink concoctions are thrice more prone to getting squashed out as compared to those drinking solely alcoholic drinks.
What is even more appalling is that those who imbibed such energy mélange are four folds more prone to attempting drunken drinking, a finding by investigators from Univ. of Florida.
Researchers explicated that on blending alcoholic drinks along with energy drinks could have a deceptive action on the brain making those who consume it feel they are sober when actually the contrary holds true.
Researchers noted that nearly twenty-eight percent of college-goers indulged in this form of concoction drinking.
For gathering data, the research team queried nearly eight hundred clients who left bars located at college revelry areas in-between ten prior midnight to three a.m. in the morning. They interrogated them regarding their drinking and regarding if they were intent on driving. [...]
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News No discussion yet on February 17th, 2010
With personal radiation meters spiking off, several people have changed residences. Newly installed Wi-Fi routers are being deemed the reasons for dizziness, collapsing and ADHD-alike signs surfacing among a number of individuals.
There are several people crusading against EMFs (low-level electromagnetic fields) of varying forms, inclusive of microwave radiations emitted from mobile phones and mobile phone towers and magnetic forces encircling power lines.
There are live instances of people who have had convalesced from EMF while several others continue to suffer from them and rendered inoperative due to it, several living in trailers due to its metallic wall constitution which people believe would shield them from EMFs.
Researchers disagree as to how EMFs could have damaging outcomes on health of human beings – or whether there are any detrimental effects at all – however that has not impeded global EMF alarm escalating new-fangled proportions particularly in Europe. Campaigners [...]
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Disease & Disorders No discussion yet on February 17th, 2010
According to a new-fangled study, those who drank even two beverages or soft drinks weekly seem to almost raise their risk of developing pancreatic cancer by two folds or eighty-seven percent heightened risk in comparison to those that did not consume aerated drinks.
There have been sharp reactions from the beverage industry to the study outcome terming it as erroneous and pointed to other studies that detected no link in-between consuming soda and pancreatic cancer.
During 2009, Cancer affecting the pancreas was diagnosed in over forty thousand individuals in the United States. Pancreas located at the rear the stomach produces hormones like insulin for balancing sugar in blood and producing fluids with enzymes to assist in breaking down fats and protein present in food items.
Study Facets
As earlier research has shown diverse results regarding if consuming soft drinks would heighten pancreatic cancer risk, hence Mueller and his associates examined over sixty thousand entrants from [...]
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Healthy Living 1 Comment on February 16th, 2010
Top experts have presented a human MOT test for males to gauge any likely risks of developing health condition.
Breathlessness in wintry weather
Breathlessness is an indicator of cardiovascular system exerting greater effort in functioning normally. This issue becomes more pronounced when the heart is under certain strain. In case one is feeling more than normal breathlessness in icy weather conditions or subsequent to have eaten a full meal then it could be suggestive of furred up arteries (partial or complete arterial blockage due to fatty plaque deposition).
The analogous holds true in case there is unanticipated and abnormally more breathlessness felt when one exerts oneself like doing an uphill walk or working out at the gym. Pains or a constricted sensation felt in the chest area are other caveat symptoms.
Subsequent Measures
Experts believe that instead of simply putting up with it, it would always be wise to undergo a medical examination. In case a doctor considers a person [...]
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General Health No discussion yet on February 15th, 2010
In our chaotic daily existence simple green options could assist in getting on the path to a greener year ahead. Smaller strides are all that is required to attain greater and bigger aspirations.
While washing dishes unconsciously the tap is left on when one is scrubbing them leading to unnecessary water wastage. So in the case while brushing teeth the water is left running when one brushes or while showering during shampooing or soap lathering. Nearly twenty to forty gallons of water gets used up during a 4-minute lasting shower session. There are myriad of ways to conserve water though the most basic of which is to turn off running water when not needed.
Merely adjusting the thermostat by even one to two degrees can help in saving potentially well past 100 dollars in heating and even electricity billing all through the year.
Choosing healthy food choices like consuming organic fruits and veggies, reducing or if possible even eliminating meat product intake in one’s dietetic [...]