Types of attention deficit hyperactivity disorders

Posted in Disorders No discussion yet on April 1st, 2011

The latest research and books all have agreed to the fact that there are types of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorders (ADHD). Until now, we used to classify this disorder into three types: Inattentive, Impulsive or Hyperactive, or Combined. However, today the diagnosis of the attention deficit hyperactivity disorders has become broader that now considers five different types of ADHD as listed below. Inattentive: Similar to Winnie the Pooh – distractible and disorganized Classic Hyperactive: Tigger type – inattentive, bouncy, restless, hyperactive, and impulsive Over-Focused: Rabbit type – Inflexible, trouble moving attention, and debating With Anxiety: Piglet type – Worrying too much, nervousness, and difficult to shift attention With Depression: Eeyore type – severe depression and inattentive The above listed attention deficit hyperactivity disorders are as per the experiences and clinical observation; which tend to revolve around the Winnie the Pooh, the famous character  [...]

ADHD Diet Essentials

Posted in Diet & Nutrition, Disorders 1 Comment on March 21st, 2011

Though an apple daily could not be keeping ADHD symptoms at bay, however it may not harm either. Although there is no special victual which could totally be controlling ADHD symptoms instead of medicines, however scientists are probing deep into the part that an ADHD diet could don in enhancing focus & recollection. Presently, Essential fatty acids (EFAs) are the trendiest subject in ADHD diet. However while it is likely that EFA deficit could aggravate symptoms of ADHD, several experts yet feel that further studies are necessary for substantiating outcomes of preliminary trials. Salmons Such fatty fishes are potent sources of omega-3s, a form of EFA. Salmons are especially laden with docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), a form of essential fatty acid which is crucial for kids & a vital segment of an ADHD diet since they are key building blocks in the brain’s developmental process during formative years. One could presently notice DHA listed in several brand names selling egg, yoghurt  [...]

Purple Day 2011 – March is National Epilepsy Awareness Month

Posted in Disorders No discussion yet on March 4th, 2011

The WHO statement that the social effects of epilepsy are oftentimes far trickier in overcoming as compared to the seizures themselves - does strike a chord in many of us. Epilepsy is a brain function condition manifesting itself as recurrent convulsive/ non convulsive seizures. It isn’t merely a single disorder; but instead a miscellaneous family of conditions including several forms of seizure. It could arise in any age, irrespective of sex or ethnicity. Earlier epilepsy was deemed as a disorder of the youngsters as it was thought that majority of the individuals experienced their foremost seizure prior to twenty years of age. But, presently those in their mid-fifties too are being identified as a susceptible set. Ten percent of the populace are at risk of suffering a seizure in his/her life span whilst three to four percent would be going on to be identified with being epileptic. Some seizures are non-epileptic like the ones arising in diabetics, cricked blood vessels & an array  [...]

Alzheimers Stages – Experts Developed 7-Stage Framework

Posted in Disorders No discussion yet on February 25th, 2011

Specialists have set up ‘stages’ for describing the manner in which an individual’s capabilities alter from usual functioning all through the Alzheimers stages. It is crucial to bear in mind that stages are a broad guide & symptoms varying significantly across sufferers. Not every Alzheimer’s disease (AD) patient would be experiencing the analogous symptoms or be progressing at the analogous pace. The 7-stage outline is devised on the basis of a system created by Doctor B. Reisberg, Director NYU School of Medicine, Silberstein Aging & Dementia Research Center. Alzheimers Stages Stage 1 – Regular functioning The AD patient experiences no weakening or disablement. The individual wouldn’t be experiencing any recollection issues. When interviewed by medical experts there’s no proof of any symptoms. Stage 2 – Quite Mild Cognitive Declension (might be usual aging-linked alterations or most preliminary AD signs) The individual might sense himself/ herself experiencing memory  [...]

Ganglion Cyst (Bible Cyst)

Posted in Disorders, Musculoskeletal No discussion yet on January 14th, 2011

Ganglion cysts are tumors or swellings on the joints or casing of tendons (tissues connecting muscles to bones). They appear alike fluid-filled sacs (cysts). Within the cysts is present a thick, gluey, translucent, uncoloured, gelatine-similar matter. Based on the size, a ganglion cyst might feel hard or squishy. A big cyst or several smallish ones might arise. Several small-sized cysts could proffer the look of more than a single cyst; however a single stem inside the deep-set tissue generally attaches them. Such form of cyst isn’t disruptive & constitutes around fifty percent of all soft tissue hand tumor cases. Ganglion cyst or bible cyst is more prevalent among females & seventy percent develop in individuals in the age group of twenty to forty. Atypically, ganglion cyst would arise in kids under ten years of age. Ganglion cyst often develops on the backsides of the hands (sixty to seventy percent), at the joints of the wrists & could even arise on the palm surfaces of  [...]

Multiple Personality Disorder

Posted in Disorders No discussion yet on January 10th, 2011

Multiple personality disorder (presently termed dissociative identity disorder) is a rather rife consequence of acute traumas in early infancy, generally intense, repeated abuse (physically, sexually, &/or emotionally). Experiencing mild-ranging dissociations like when one daydreams or goes astray when doing some task happens to a large majority of people. But, multiple personality disorder is an acute type of dissociation, a mental process producing a dearth of correlation in an individual’s thought process, recollections, emotions, deeds or sense of self. It is believed to arise from a traumatic experience that the individual underwent. The disconnect factor is believed to be a means to cope – the individual plainly disconnects himself/herself from a scenario or experiences which are rife with violence, trauma or pains for assimilating with his/her cognisant self. Multiple personality disorder does exist and typified by the subsistence of duo or more diverse or split personalities  [...]

Jet Lag Easing & Prevention Strategies

Posted in Disorders No discussion yet on December 13th, 2010

Jet lag could surface at any instant one travels swiftly athwart duo or more time zones throwing an individual’s circadian rhythm (biological clock that aids in controlling sleep and waking up) out of whack.  Greater the number of times zones crossed, more the likelihood of one experiencing greater intensity jet lag symptoms like sleep disturbances, weariness during day times, problems in concentration & operating, abdominal issues, sluggishness, sleepiness. Jet lag is a fleeting sleep disorder though not that transitory enough for a number of air-travellers. It could take nearly a day’s time for every time zone travelled across for our bodies in adjusting to the local times. For those going east-to-west could expect experiencing jet lag for 4-5 days – around ½ the numbers of time zones one journeyed across. Jet lag is usually worse when one loses time touring west-to-east. The pressurization of air cabins at thousands of ft. in air lowers oxygen supply in the blood and makes  [...]

Cease Self-Assault – 9 Ways of Healing Autoimmune Diseases

Posted in Disorders No discussion yet on August 6th, 2010

An estimate 24 million individuals are afflicted with autoimmune diseases like RA, thyroid condition, IBD, lupus, MS, celiac disease among many other tough-to-categorize conditions which are basically inflammatory diseases. Doctors mostly address the issue by blocking off inflammation by prescribing Motrin, steroids, Advil and far greater potency immune-suppressant drugs which carry grave side-effects. However, regrettably several doctors are not trained in finding and treating the fundamental reasons of inflammation arising in chronic conditions. Unknown allergen, infection, environmental toxic substances, an inflammation-eliciting dietetic intake and stress are the true reasons for such inflammatory conditions arising. In case one intends on cooling down inflammation present in one’s body, the root has to be found. Treating the flames not the fumes is the key to managing autoimmune conditions. Doctors are trained to conduct diagnosis by checking signs and symptoms rather than  [...]

Arnold Chiari Malformation – Atypical

Posted in Disorders No discussion yet on May 13th, 2010

Arnold Chiari Malformation or ACM is the unusually undersized growth of the lower back side of the skull resulting in lesser space for the other brain constituents in that region. As a consequence the mid brain, medulla, pons and cerebellum are cramped in close to each other thus pressing down on to the spinal cord line. This swarming hinders the regular operations of the brain and at times spinal cord components. Additionally, the movements of the CSF (cerebrospinal fluid) could be obstructed which creates augmented pressure in the brain and at times in the region of the spinal cord. CSF is formed in the brain cavity, bathing the brain surfaces as well as the spinal cord and functions as a shock-absorbing agent and is required for appropriate operations. The CSF is taken up by the body at the base portion of the spinal cord. Arnold Chiari Malformation is of 3 forms: ACM I It is typified by brain tissue protruding beneath the aperture of the skull base and could comprise an irregular liquid  [...]

Characteristics of Autism – Demystifying Common Myths

Posted in Disorders No discussion yet on April 13th, 2010

Behavior Characteristics of Autism when diagnosed must not necessarily mean ceased love and hopes. However, mass media accounts boom with the most devastating and horrific incidents. Here are several myths about behavioral characteristics of Autism that are wrongly disseminated by television, films and glossies which need to be debunked. All Individuals with Autism are similar Myth A common thought process is that having encountered an autistic individual or having watched films like ‘Rain Man’ or ‘Temple grandin’ is enough to get a generalised view of what autism is and those individuals affected by it are like. Truth Individuals affected with autism could be vastly dissimilar from each other and each having his/her different behavioral characteristics of autism. The sole aspect which is commonly observed in autism affected people is their atypical difficulties in making social contact/communication. Individuals with Autism fail to show any emotions/feelings Myth People having  [...]

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