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Women's Health No discussion yet on July 29th, 2011
Are you experiencing problems like depression, fatigue, weakness, irregularity in sleep cycles and mood swings? If yes, then the factor triggering all these health problems might be a deficiency of vitamin D.
Human body requires vitamin D for helping their body in regulating maintenance and growth of bones and to stabilize secretion of certain hormones. This vitamin is even more important for women, particularly the ones attaining menopause.
How much vitamin D should a woman consume every day depends on the age of the woman. Women, who have not crossed 50 years of age must consume between 400 and 800 international units (IU) vitamin D daily. After crossing 50 years, the body of a woman requires 800-1,000 IU vitamin D every day. In specific cases the physician might recommend consuming vitamin D in higher quantities. According to medical experts, consuming up to 4,000 IU vitamin D daily is safe.
Women must make sure that they are consuming enough vitamin D primarily for preventing the [...]
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Skin No discussion yet on July 22nd, 2011
Skin is the largest organ of our body; like any other organ of our body, skin also suffers from a number of medical conditions. In this article we’ll be discussing about the possible causes of one common skin condition, white skin patches.
Mild eczema: If you have white patches on your skin, it might indicate the occurrence of mild eczema. This type skin disorder is most common among the children. If you get swelling, redness and itchiness around the white patches, the condition might be caused due contact with external irritants. This form of white patches is generally treated using corticosteroid creams and moisturizers.
Yeast infection: The medical term used for yeast infection is tinea versicolor; it can also occur in form of small, white and scaly spots on the skin. The most common sites of occurrence of white patches caused by yeast infections are: back, chest and upper arms. Yeast infections are triggered by a fungus called candida. People, who have oily skin, are at higher [...]
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Healthy diet No discussion yet on July 15th, 2011
A person suffers from anemia due to lack of iron in his or her blood. The mineral iron is extremely important for our system as it is responsible for carrying oxygen from the heart to the other parts of our body. A person deficient of iron will get tired easily, find it difficult to work hard and will also have a weak immune system. Consuming a proper diet containing lots of food items rich in iron can help people to compensate the iron deficiency and get rid of anemia.
Anemia due to iron deficiency is recognized as the most frequently occurring nutritional disorder of the world. Children and women are more susceptible towards developing anemia compared to the men. A child must take 7-11mg iron daily and the daily intake of iron for women between the age of 19 and 50years must be 18mg. Women who are in their childbearing age must consume more iron than those who are not because for the blood they lose every month through menstruation. All adult men and woman above 51 years of age must [...]
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Skin No discussion yet on July 8th, 2011
Stretch marks are common problems faced by people losing or gaining lot of weight drastically and women who have given birth. There are certain home remedies that can help you in preventing stretch marks. Anyone planning to lose or gain weight and every pregnant woman should try these home remedies to avoid occurrence of stretch marks.
Home remedy 1:
The most widely used home remedy for stretch mark is cocoa butter. Cocoa butter is extracted from the creamy fat found inside the cocoa seeds. This ingredient is known for its excellent skin moisturizing properties. Cocoa butter is rich in glycolic acid and vitamin E; these constituents make it an extremely effective remedy for stretch marks.
Home remedy 2:
A mixture of natural oil massaged on the skin areas prone to stretch marks also help in preventing the occurrence of the ugly marks. Mix ¼ cup of aloe gel, ½ cup of olive oil, the constituents of 6 vitamin E capsules and 4 vitamin A capsules together suing a blender. Massage adequate [...]
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Skin No discussion yet on July 1st, 2011
Have you ever heard of ozone therapy? Ozone therapy is used widely as a remedy for conditions like back pain and chronic ailments like cancer. However, the use of ozone therapy is most common for skin and hair care purposes. In this article we’ll discuss how ozone therapy helps in fighting cellulites.
The molecule of Ozone includes 3 atoms of oxygen. Gaseous oxygen on the other hand includes only 2 atoms of oxygen. Ozone is a gas found in less stable form compared to oxygen and hence this gas is more active chemically than oxygen.
During the procedure of eliminating cellulites through ozone therapy, a solution made from ozone and oxygen is used to carry out a liposuction known as lipoliquidation therapy. The same solution is also used for the treatment of neurological disorders, circulatory issues, hepatitis etc.
In case of treatment of cellulite, the ozone and oxygen based solution will transform lipids present in fatty tissues into a type of water soluble compound. This water soluble [...]