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Disease No discussion yet on January 29th, 2010
Researchers that have recognized brain networks harmed due to Parkinson’s disease have new-fangled proof that such systems turn irregular a couple of years prior to the symptom surfacing. Apparently, certain sections of the brain network appeared responding in a final ditch endeavour at salvaging the brain.
The investigators did follow-ups of fifteen patients over 4 years and analogous numbers of normal entrants. They found that signs of Parkinson’s disease formerly occurred on merely one side of the body that offered researchers an exceptional chance at studying brain scan images during several instances and contrast the signs to the variations in the brain network over time spans. The objective of the study was watching the activity of the brain network on the disease-free side. With the disease progressing, however both sides were eventually affected.
Researchers detected that motor network governing the body side having the preliminary signs was the foremost to turn anomalous. [...]
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Disease No discussion yet on January 22nd, 2010
Lyme disease is a form of infection that gets spread after being bitten by a tick which is a carrier of the Borrelia burgdorferi bacterium. Ticks usually contract the bacterium subsequent to having bitten animal forms such as deer, mice. Though majority of the individuals that get bitten by ticks do not always develop Lyme disease, but the condition is grave enough that every bite from a tick should be medically examined. The likelihood of catching the disease amplifies the longer time period the tick stays latched to the body.
In one to four weeks following an infected tick bite, majority of the individuals would start experiencing a number of signs of Lyme disease like a spherical rash that appears increasing – erythema migrans – on the bite mark location in nearly seventy to eighty percent of the occasions. Several others experience flu-similar signs inclusive of fever, chilly sensations, headache, exhaustion, enlarged lymph nodes, joint and muscle aches.
In case not spotted [...]