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Skin No discussion yet on March 1st, 2010
Vitiligo is an autoimmune disorder causing loss of pigmentation in blotches of skin. About 3 million people from the U.S. have this disorder. The precise cause of vitiligo is unclear and experts are yet to decipher why the body makes antibodies which assault and obliterate pigment-producing cells.
The colourless skin patches appear more apparent when the skin tone is darker. However for individuals of all skin tones, vitiligo could be immensely distressing due to all the public gawking, work interviews becoming digressed among several other harrowing incidents faced on a daily basis.
An array of vitiligo treatments ranging from topically applied creams, UV-light treatment to surgery exist, yet not one of them being ideal enough to be able to cure this disorder. Several dermatologists unequivocally inform patients about no cure existing and that it is a kind of cosmetic disorder that could not be treated. Several patients are unaware of their choices, which is quite a distressing trend.
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